How Gardening Helps Children To Learn Math - 10 Facts


       How Gardening Helps Children To Learn Math - 10 Facts

Using garden to teach math make the subject more easy, engaging and interesting to the children. It provides them fun experience that they will remember.

(1) Addition and Subtraction -

Children can count the plants in two different garden beds and then add the numbers together. If some of the plants die, then make it into a subtraction problem. They can count seeds to sow in each row or area. It will be lifelong lessons that they will carry to the adulthood.

(2) Comparing Sizes -

Children can compare sizes of plants, fruits, vegetable or flowers. While walking in the garden. Arranging them in order from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest.

(3) Multiplication and Division -

Children can do multiplication like if they want to have five lemon plants and they need to plant three seeds in each hole, then how many seeds do they need to have? Second question may be like if each tomato plant produces about twenty tomatoes, how many plants do we need to two hundred tomatoes? Children can use multiplication to quickly count plants fruits, vegetables and flowers. Once children get in the habit of posing questions like this, I am sure you will think of many more!

(4) Calendar Skill -

Sit down with a calendar and seeds with your child, Mark the date when you can plant the seeds. Then mark the date when you will be able to harvest. You may tell them about how many days in a week and in a month. Children can make a chart as a garden project.

(5) Learning Measurement –

Measuring the area of a space, it maybe your balcony or inside the home, they will learn about planning of how many plants they can grow in specific space, how far apart they need to plant or sow, measuring the distance between them.


(6) Basic geometry

Basic of geometry can be useful as children will learn shapes and design of the garden.

(7) Algebra formula –

Such mathematics used in the garden to calculate the correct amount of fertilizer to add for the plants. They can calculate the volume of soil needed for a plant by calculating geometric functions.


(8) Fraction-

Children can learn about fraction like how much of each bed a plant takes. Example Arun and Arjun are planting a vegetable garden. To help, their mother has divided the plot into 12 smaller rectangular plots. Arun and Arjun decide plant tomatoes so they plant 1/3 of the garden as tomatoes, they plant half as many peppers they plant 2/24 onions They also plant three times more lettuce than onions They plant the rest in beans.

(9) Graphing of the Garden –

Gardens are a great inspiration for practicing graphing. Bar graphs are great for showing how many of each type of fruits and vegetables you can grow in garden. You can count, compare and contrast. You can transfer this in pie chart.

(10) Money & Finance-

Children can sell extra fruit and vegetables. Children can learn pricing, adding up the cost, making change etc.


I hope this is the list of ways we practice math in garden! What else would you include.

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