World Environment Day


What is World Environment Day?

It is led by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and held annually on the 5th of June since the year 1973,

World Environment Day is celebrated by billions of people across the globe.

Only One Earth:

"In this Universe, 

Trillions of galaxies are there.

But there is #OnlyOneEarth." 

10 tips for making Sustainable Living:

  • Go #PlasticFree - Because plastic never goes away. Today billions of tons of plastic can be found floating on the water taking about 40 percent of the World's Ocean surfaces.

  • Plant more trees - This is the easiest and most common way possible to transform our earth into a more promising place for living.

  • Say 'NO' to unnecessary Shopping - Reduce>Reuse>Recycle. Every product available in the world that we purchase has an environmental footprint. So before shopping extra think twice.

  • Drive Green - switching to this habit can reduce your Carbon Footprint. Using electric-powered vehicles over fossil fuel-powered vehicles can drastically reduce Carbon Footprints.

  • Keep Plants in the living room - Indoor plants can improve the air quality. A study published in the journal of Psychological Anthropology founds that keeping plants in our room makes us more productive and comfortable.

  • Reduce the usage of Electricity - Open up your window curtains and use daylight as much as possible before switching on your lights. This simple tip can save you more money than you think.

  • Turn off your Electronic Devices at night - Switching off electronic devices such as Mobile-phone, and Wifi-Router will not only is a money-saving idea, but it will also improve your health by reducing the radiation and strain on your eye.

  • Take the stairs over the Elevator - Taking an elevator may reduce the effort to reach the destination, but by doing this, we miss out on an opportunity to shape our legs. It is good for our health and it will save electricity.

  • Balcony Gardening - If we turn gardening into one of our hobby it not only becomes our hobbe to time pass but also it will be good for our health too. Real plants can increase the productivity in home.

  • Use your phone for Note Taking - We waste paper when we note down something. So we can use our smartphone or tablet instead.

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