Ten Benefits Of Gardening For Children


       Ten Benefits Of Gardening For Children

We have all heard that, being outside in the fresh environment has amazing health benefits. We have also heard that planting flowers can be therapeutic.

But do you know that gardening has amazing developmental benefits for kids? Gardening offers wonderful and amazing opportunities for kids to play, learn and grow! Getting muddy sometime with nature and eating healthy are good for you.

Now look at below amazing benefits, which can be good for child doing gardening under their parent supervision.

(1)       Develops Math Skills-

They will learn counting the seeds, measuring the depth to sow seeds, measure the growth of the plant and then create a graph. Kids can also measure and compare the sizes of the vegetables as well the number of petals on the flowers. Another fun lesson is to identify all the different shapes that can be found in the garden. This is a great introduction to Geometry. You can ask questions like how far apart should seeds be planted? How many hours of sunlight will plants get each day?

(2)       Explore science-

Gardening exposes children to sciences like botany, chemistry and metrology. They will understand topics like- How plants require sunlight and water for growth how to monitor weather and its effects on the garden which types soil need a plant to grow better like acidic soil and alkaline soil.

(3)       Children who do gardening score high in science.

They learn the wonders of science like the plant’s life cycle and how humans’ intervention can break or make the environment. They can experience the miracle of life through a seed .This would be a enjoyable experience for a kid.

(4)       Gardening connects children with nature and environment.

They gain ownership in what they are cultivating. As children become more knowledgeable about all the living things in the garden, they are less likely to be afraid of touching the plants, getting soil on their hands, or being near bugs. They are no longer afraid of the unknown when they become familiar with what is in the garden.

(5)       Learning patience –

The waiting time for a vegetable, flower to bloom, seeds to seedling and unfurling the leaves and this make them more exciting when flowers or vegetables sprouts.

(6)       Enhance the ability to plan and organize-

What flowers bloom during what time of year, how long it takes a seed to turn into a vegetable and when is the best time to plant seeds. Involving kids in this process helps increase their planning and problem-solving skills. It also enhances their organizational strategies which can be carried over to every facet of life!

(7)       Outdoor gardening can help you and your children's body fight disease-

You’re more like a plant than you may realize. Your body is capable of photosynthesis — the process where plants make their own food using sunlight. Your skin uses sunlight to make one of the nutrients you need. 

(8)       Gardening is a good work out.

Gardening involves stretching, bending, digging, lifting, pulling and raking. Gross and fine motor skills are used, and even the youngest gardener with simple tasks gets physical activity. Digging in the dust can make them healthier.

(9)       Gardening helps to relieve from stress:-

Gardening helps to relieve from stress not only for children but for the whole family. A garden can be therapeutic. If the adults in the family are feeling stressed, and they garden with their children, it can help the whole family feel more harmonious!

(10)     Gardening strengthens emotional and interpersonal skills. 

Children who garden learn responsibility, patience, perseverance, and how to deal with disappointment if the garden doesn’t grow the way they expected. How do they collaborate with other siblings, friends, or school mates to get the garden work done? These are character-building skills that research shows children reap in the garden.


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